
How can I assess FAB?

Farmers want to know what is going on their orchard. They know that they have "good friends" on their side, for instance many beneficial insects which help to reduce pest populations. In the EcoOrchard project, we have developed simple and practical methods which can help farmers to keep updated on the functional biodiversity living in their orchard. Just look at the video below to get an idea how to do.
If you like to contribute or to test our system, you will find also our handbook explaining in detail how to do, what to notice and how to interpret the findings. We have translated the handbook into several European languages; please select the most convenient for you.

Handbook for "Monitoring of functional biodiversity in organic orchards"

 in : Danish  |   English  French  German  Polish

You can also see how it is done in our video:

How to assess biodiversity in an apple orchard

This work was only possible with the help of growers volunteering in testing the methods and giving us feedback about their feasibilty and their informational value. These growers and the EcoOrchard-Team built up a network for exchange of information. You can see here on the map all fruit growing farms participating on the survey in 2017.

Ebionetwork map

For more details, go to: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=109oBr3Uq6OeDzw-WeEv04If9wxCvOIU7&ll=51.755913909991364%2C11.599633900000072&z=5